
With its manufacturing facility located in Uruli Devachi, South direction of Pune city , Globech EPC Projects is equipped to manufacture high quality / certified Pressure piping, spool pieces, manifolds complying with International Codes such as ASME, PD 5500, API, TEMA, IBR, Indian Standards.
In addition to Carbon Steel & Stainless Steel equipment’s, Globech EPC Projects has a proven track record of fabrication of piping with different metallurgies like Hastelloy, Alloy 20 and Incoloy including cry applications.

Key Features

An ISO 9001:2015 facility
Oil & Gas metering skid
Ultra filtration piping skids
WTP piping skids
Equipped with design software like AutoCAD, Solid works, CADworks.
Total Area available is 4000 Sqft having a covered Shed Area of 3000 Sqft
Industrial infrastructure & facilities available near factory are approved testing Laboratories, trade test facilities, NDT facility, Ancillary shop for precision machining, Powder coating facility, galvanizing plant.

Take a look at our work

Completed Projects

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